Coloring Southern California Butterflies & Caterpillars
Regular price $10.95
by Bill Howell, 2020. Paperback, 106 pages.
The Color & Learn series has become a popular way to enhance learning about nature and to improve our understanding of the natural world. This captivating coloring book highlights some of the most fascinating butterflies in southern California. Each winged insect has a special beauty with distinctive color combinations and intriguing patterns. You will learn about their unusual life cycles and extraordinary life stories as you transform their individual uniqueness with your special artistic abilities. Over 150 species of butterflies call the southern part of the Golden State home.
Coloring Southern California Butterflies & Caterpillars illustrates 37 different butterflies, several caterpillars, and two moths with color photos to teach the actual color scheme of each. You can learn the differences between a butterfly and a moth in the in-depth descriptions which include the common name, scientific name, and wingspan of each species.
About the Author
Bill Howell’s love of butterflies and other small invertebrates has been passed on to many from his decades of teaching students of biology and related sciences in local universities, community colleges, and high schools. In 1985 he became the lead instructor for the Canyoneers of the San Diego Natural History Museum and since 1995 also head trainer for the Trail Guides of Mission Trails Regional Park. Bill was past president of the Monarch Program in Encinitas, California, a research and educational organization involved with tagging and counting overwintering monarchs along the California coast. He has also led eco-tourism visits to the migrating monarch’s magical clustering sites in the mountains of central Mexico. Bill is often asked to give talks and share his knowledge and passion for these frequent fliers and related topics to interested groups. As an award-winning photographer, Bill’s images have captured the essence of these enchanting creatures and hopes to encourage members of new generations to become certified butterfly fanatics.