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Carrizo Plain: Where the Mountains Meet the Grasslands (Local Author)

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By Chuck Graham, 2020. Paperback, 116 pages.

From author, photographer, and adventurer Chuck Graham: In 2006, during my first trip to the Carrizo Plain National Monument, I didn’t envision a photo book of these stunning grasslands 15 years later. I now have a collection of images from the last of California’s grasslands, time spent in the field chasing light, patiently waiting for wildlife to emerge and anticipating the next Super Bloom. My book coincides with the 20-year anniversary of the National Monument in January 2021."

About the Author

Chuck Graham is a freelance writer and photographer in Carpinteria, CA. He’s also been a beach lifeguard for over 20 years, works as a guide for Channel Islands Adventure Company leading kayak tours and backpacking trips at the Channel Islands National Park, and is the editor of DEEP Surf Magazine. His stories and photos have appeared in Backpacker, Trail Runner, Men’s Journal, Outdoor Photographer, Shutterbug, Photo Technique, Nature Photographer, Living Bird, Earth Island Journal, The Surfer’s Journal, The Surfer’s Path, Standup Paddle Magazine, SUP the Mag, Canoe & Kayak, Adventure Kayak, Sea Kayaker, Islands, American Forests, BBC Wildlife, Bay Nature, Outdoor California, Ojai Quarterly, Santa Barbara Seasons, Los Angeles Times, Santa Barbara Independent, Montecito Journal, Natural History Magazine, High Country News, National Geographic for Kids, and the Ventura County Reporter.